2025 Price List - Coming Soon!

Welcome to the Hidden Savanna Nursery web site.

We are located in southwest Michigan and sell plants that are native to our region. Nearly all of the plants we propagate will be Michigan genotype with most of our seed sources being located in southwestern Michigan. For a select few species which have become rare (or even extinct) in Michigan, plants from seed that originated in northern Indiana, northeastern Illinois, or southern Wisconsin will be available. We offer a wide range of species... from sand dunes to wetlands, and from forests to prairies, we have the plants to accommodate your native landscaping needs. Small quantities of seed will also be made available for species that cannot readily be grown in containers; this will be noted in the species description.

Please visit our Plant Information page for a list of species we typically grow. This page includes cultural information and is sortable. You can select individual species for photos and additional infomation.

We will not be shipping our plants; they will be available during spring and late summer sale days at the nursery. If our retail sale days do not fit into your schedule, or if you are looking for an appointment to more thoroughly discuss your project, we encourage you to contact us to pre-arrange a date and time to visit the nursery.

The photo at the top of the page is a nice patch of Lupinus perennis (Wild Lupine) in bloom on our property during the spring of 2007.